Saturday, June 1, 2024

Kiss Café Before Comics

5/29/24 Kiss Cafe and Push/Pull Gallery, Ballard neighborhood

As mentioned a few days ago, when Roy and I heard about the concept of “haiku comics,” our brains caught on fire! We happily went to see the show at Push/Pull Gallery with Kim, who had let us know about it. In addition to viewing and reading inspiring works bringing the two brief forms together – comics and haiku – we also discovered that Push/Pull is an intriguing little shop. Specializing in comics and zines, the Ballard shop carries many small and large editions of comic books and other publications. It also sells art supplies. As you can imagine, the three of us enjoyed both the viewing and the shopping.

Before seeing the exhibit, we met at Ballard Kiss Café for lunch (and dessert), where I started this diary comics page.

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